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Take Action

What can I do to take action?

By visiting this site, you are already taking action! Learning more about the cost disparities for those with sensory impairments is one of the most important goals we have. There are a bunch of ways you can help your community advocate for better healthcare for all. Some of the most important things you can do (that don't involve donating) are:

1. Educate Yourself

Check out the rest of our site to see specific issues regarding specific senses. There are also a few videos on this page on how insurance companies work, terminology, and quick facts to boost your knowledge of the issue.

2. Educate Others

By learning this information, you can confidently go into your community and educate others on the topic. Sharing your information, and your story will allow others to expand their knowledge on the subject as well.

Video coming soon!

3. Spread Awareness and Share Resources

Please visit our Resources page to find other helpful sites that include more information on specific sensory impairments, and ways people are already combating cost disparities. There, you will find graphics that you can share on social media, pre-written emails that you can send to local and state representatives, and more.

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