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  • Writer's pictureJonathan DellaGatta

Welcome to Access to My Senses (ATMS)

My name is Jonathan, and I am a college student who

believes our healthcare system needs some major changes.

I created this website to provide awareness for these issues

and ways you can help.

I’ve needed glasses or contacts ever since I could remember. My vision constantly

got worse, and every time my parents would take me to the eye doctor, the doctor

only confirmed that I needed a stronger prescription. In fifth grade, my parents’

insurance relapsed after my dad was laid off of work. My eyesight continued to get

worse, and I had to go through the next two years looking at a blurry classroom board,

trying to understand what was being taught.

Years later, I am now a senior at The College of New Jersey, and my vision has

continued to get worse, and eye care has only gotten more expensive. I have to pay

an additional $75 out of pocket every three months when I get new contacts at the

strength I need them, which is not covered by my insurance.

To be honest, my situation is one of the luckier ones. I have been privileged to even

see (no pun intended) an eye doctor in the first place. However, I have had friends,

family, and peers who have not been able to afford the most basic care, with one of

my friends needing to pay almost $3,000 out of pocket for hearing aids.

Those who live paycheck to paycheck, and those with sensual disabilities have been

among the most neglected in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

People who need certain care should not have to pay extra out of pocket to access their

senses. Why should you have to pay more to be human and access your senses?

I decided to use my resources of graphic design, web development, and my passion

to help others as a basis to create this project, which is being developed through my thesis

class at TCNJ. I hope this website will bring you more awareness of the issues in our

healthcare system, and will inspire you to take action with different resources and things

you can do in your community. I am one person, but with this website I hope that people

of all backgrounds and experiences will join in this fight to get healthcare to those who

need it most.

-Jonathan, Senior Interactive Multimedia Major & Creator of ATMS

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